Wednesday, May 15, 2024

6 Communication Protocols Used by IoT

6 Communication Protocols Used by IoT 

The Internet of Things (IoT), is based on the networking of things. In a nutshell, Internet of Things is defined as a “proposed development of the Internet in which everyday objects have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive data.”

The most important thing here is connectivity among objects.

Research companies like Gartner have predicted that Internet of Things will grow to 26 billion units in 2020. How will the devices be connected and what would communication be like? How will wireless communication protocols evolve?

We can boil down the wireless communication protocols into the following 6 standards:

1.   Satellite

2.   Wi-Fi

3.   Radio Frequency (RF)

4.   RFID

5.   Bluetooth

6.   NFC

In the following paragraphs, we will provide a brief overview and illustration of each of the Internet of Things communication techniques, their pros and cons, and their smartphone compatibilities.

1. Satellite

Satellite communications enable cell phone communication from a phone to the next antenna of about 10 to 15 miles. They are called GSM, GPRS, CDMA, GPRS, 2G / GSM, 3G, 4G / LTE, EDGE, and others based on connectivity speed.

In the Internet of Things language, this form of communication is mostly referred to as “M2M” (Machine-to-Machine) because it allows devices such as a phone to send and receive data through the cell network.

Pros and Cons of Satellite Communication


·        Stable connection

·        Universal compatibility


·        No direct communication from smartphone to the device (It has to go through satellite)

·        High monthly cost

·        High power consumption

Examples of satellite connectivity would include utility meters that send data to a remote server, commercials updated on digital billboards, or cars via Internet connectivity.

Satellite is useful for communication that utilizes low data volumes, mainly for industrial purposes but in the changing near future where the cost of satellite communication is gradually falling, the use of satellite technology might become much more viable and interesting for consumers.

2. WiFi

WiFi is a wireless local area network (WLAN) that utilizes the IEEE 802.11 standard through 2.4GhZ UHF and 5GhZ ISM frequencies. WiFi provides Internet access to devices that are within the range (about 66 feet from the access point).

Pros and Cons of WiFi


·        Universal smartphone compatibility

·        Affordable

·        Well protected and controlled


·        Relatively high power usage

·        Instability and inconsistency of WiFi

An example of WiFi connectivity would be Dropcam streaming live video via the local WiFi instead of streaming through a connected Ethernet LAN cable. WiFi is useful for many Internet of Things connections but such connections typically connect to an external cloud-server and are not directly connected to the smartphone. It is also not recommended for battery-powered devices due to its relatively high power consumption.

3. Radio Frequency (RF)

Radio frequency communications are probably the easiest form of communication between devices. Protocols like ZigBee or ZWave use a low-power RF radio embedded or retrofitted into electronic devices and systems.

Z-Wave’s range is approximately 100 ft (30 m). The radio frequency band used is specific to its country. For example, Europe has an 868.42 MHz SRD Band, a 900 MHz ISM or 908.42 MHz band (United States), a 916 MHz in Israel, 919.82 MHz in Hong Kong, 921.42 MHz in the regions of Australia/New Zealand) and 865.2 Mhz in India.

ZigBee is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. However, its low power consumption limits transmission distances to a range of 10 to 100 meters.

Pros and Cons of Radio Frequency


Low energy and simplicity for its technology is not dependent on the new functionality of phones


Radio frequency technology is not used by smartphones and without a central hub to connect the RF devices to the internet, the devices cannot be connected

An example of radio frequency connectivity would be your typical television remote for it uses radio frequency, which enables you to switch channels remotely. Other examples include wireless light switches, electrical meters with in-home displays, traffic management systems, and other consumer and industrial equipment that requires short-range low-rate wireless data transfer.

Radio frequency communication protocol is useful for large deployments such as hotels where a high quantity of devices are required to be centrally and locally managed. However, in the near future, the technology might become increasingly outdated and be replaced by Bluetooth mesh networks.


Radio frequency identification (RFID) is the wireless use of electromagnetic fields to identify objects. Usually, you would install an active reader, or reading tags that contain a stored information mostly authentication replies. Experts call that an Active Reader Passive Tag (ARPT) system. Short-range RFID is about 10cm, but long-range can go up to 200m. What many do not know is that Léon Theremin invented the RFID as an espionage tool for the Soviet Union in 1945.

An Active Reader Active Tag (ARAT) system uses active tags awoken with an interrogator signal from the active reader. Bands RFID runs on: 120–150 kHz (10cm), 3.56 MHz (10cm-1m), 433 MHz (1-100m), 865-868 MHz (Europe), 902-928 MHz (North America) (1-12m).

Pros and Cons of RFID


Does not require power

Established and widely used technology


Highly insecure

Ongoing cost per card

Tags need to be present as identifier and be handed over before

Not compatible with smartphones

Examples include animal identification, factory data collection, road tolls, and building access. An RFID tag is also attached to an inventory such that its production and manufacturing progress can be tracked through the assembly line. As an illustration, pharmaceuticals can be tracked through warehouses. We believe RFID technology will very soon be replaced by near-field communication (NFC) technology in smartphones.

5. Bluetooth

Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz). If you look at the frequencies it is actually the same as WiFi such that these two technologies seem very similar. However, they have different uses. The 3 different styles of Bluetooth technology that are commonly talked about are:

Bluetooth: Remember the days where you associate Bluetooth as a battery drainer and black hole? Such Bluetooth is a heyday relic of a mobile past marked by a bulky cell phone. Such Bluetooth technology is battery draining, insecure, and are often complicated to pair.

BLE (Bluetooth 4.0, Bluetooth Low Energy): Originally introduced by Nokia and presently used by all major operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, OS X, Linux, and Windows 8, BLE uses fast, low energy usage while maintaining the communication range.

iBeacon: It is the trademark for a simplified communication technique based on Bluetooth technology that Apple uses. What it actually is: a Bluetooth 4.0 sender that transmits an ID called UUID, which is recognized by your iPhone. This simplifies the implementation effort many vendors would previously face. Moreover, even non-technically trained consumers can easily use iBeacons like or other alternatives. Although different on a technical level, iBeacon technology can be compared to NFC on an abstract level.

Bluetooth exists in many products, such as telephones, tablets, media players, robotics systems. The technology is extremely useful when transferring information between two or more devices that are near each other in low-bandwidth situations. Bluetooth is commonly used to transfer sound data with telephones (i.e., with a Bluetooth headset) or byte data with hand-held computers (transferring files). Bluetooth protocols simplify the discovery and setup of services between devices. Bluetooth devices can advertise all of the services they provide. This makes using services easier because relative to other communication protocols, it enables greater automation such as security, the network address, and permission configuration.

Comparison of Wifi & Bluetooth

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are to some extent complementary in their applications and usage.


·        Access point centered, with an asymmetrical client-server connection where it provides all traffic routed through the access point.

·        ‍Serves well in applications where some degree of client configuration is possible and high speeds are required e.g. network access through an access node

·        ‍Ad-hoc connections are possible with WiFi but not as easily with Bluetooth for Wi-Fi Direct was recently developed to add a more Bluetooth-like ad-hoc functionality


·        ‍Symmetrical between two Bluetooth devices

·        ‍Serves well in simple applications where two devices are needed to connect with minimal configuratione.g. headsets and remote controls

·        ‍Bluetooth access points do exist although they are not common

Any Bluetooth device in discoverable mode transmits the following information on-demand:

·        Device name

·        Device class

·        List of services

·        Technical information (for example device features, manufacturer, Bluetooth specification used, clock offset)

Pros & Cons of Bluetooth


·        Every smartphone has Bluetooth where the technology is continuously being upgraded and improved through new hardware

·        Established and widely used technology


·        Hardware capabilities change very fast and will need to be replaced

·        Running on battery the lifetime of an iBeacon is between 1month to 2 years

·        If people switch off Bluetooth, there are issues in usage.

Bluetooth technology mainly finds applications in the healthcare, fitness, beacons, security, and home entertainment industries.

Bluetooth technology is definitely the hottest technology right now but it is many times overrated or misunderstood in functionality. If the application goes beyond fun you will have to dig deep in configuration and different settings as different phones react differently to Bluetooth.

6. Near Field Communication (NFC)

Near-field communication uses electromagnetic induction between two loop antennas located within each other’s near field, effectively forming an air-core transformer. It operates within the globally available and unlicensed radio frequency ISM band of 13.56 MHz on ISO/IEC 18000-3 air interface and at rates ranging from 106 kbit/s to 424 kbit/s. NFC involves an initiator and a target; the initiator actively generates an RF field that can power a passive target (an unpowered chip called a “tag”). This enables NFC targets to take very simple form factors such as tags, stickers, key fobs, or battery-less cards. NFC peer-to-peer communication is possible provided both devices are powered.

There are two modes:

Passive communication mode: The initiator device provides a carrier field and the target device answers by modulating the existing field. In this mode, the target device may draw its operating power from the initiator-provided electromagnetic field, thus making the target device a transponder.

Active communication mode: Both initiator and target device communicate by alternately generating their own fields. A device deactivates its RF field while it is waiting for data. In this mode, both devices typically have power supplies.

Pros & Cons of NFC


·        Offers a low-speed connection with an extremely simple setup

·        Can be used to bootstrap more capable wireless connections

·        NFC has a short-range and supports encryption where it may be more suitable than earlier, less private RFID systems


·        Short-range might not be feasible in many situations for it is currently only available on new Android Phones and at Apple Pay on new iPhones

Comparison of BLE to NFC

BLE and NFC are both short-range communication technologies that are integrated into mobile phones.

Speed: BLE is faster

Transfer: BLE has a higher transfer rate

Power: NFC consumes less power

Pairing: NFC does not require pairing

Time: NFC takes less time to set up

Connection: Automatically established for NFC

Data transfer rate: Max rate for BLE is 2.1 Mbits/s, max rate for NFC is 424 kbits/s.

(NFC has a shortage range, a distance of 20cm, which reduces the likelihood of unwanted interception hence it is particularly suitable for crowded areas where correlating a signal with its transmitting physical device becomes difficult.)

Compatibility: NFC is compatible with existing passive RFID (13.56 MHz ISO/IEC 18000-3) infrastructures

Energy protocol: NFC requires comparatively low power

Powered device: NFC works with an unpowered device.

NFC devices can be used in contactless payment systems, similar to those currently used in credit cards and electronic ticket smartcards, and it allows mobile payment to replace or supplement these systems.

We believe that NFC will definitely replace the more insecure and outdated RFID cars where its use on smartphones will be limited to contact-only applications like payment, access, or identification.

Conclusion: And the IoT Winner Is?

It is very likely that the winner of these standards will be one that is available in many of the new devices and phones – otherwise, people would not use it. Today every smartphone has Bluetooth and WiFi. However, NFC is increasingly being implemented in new phones.

From our experience, a clear Internet of Things winner emerges when you have a very defined use-case. For example, if you’d like to transfer large amounts of files, WiFi is ideal. If you’d like to react on transient passengers, nothing tops Bluetooth. If you want quick, short-range interaction, NFC might be for you. Henceforth, the winning communication protocol really depends on your goals and your clearly defined use-case.

There will be many more providers of different standards – especially mesh-networked technologies such as GoTenna or mesh networked iBeacons.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Varifocal Lens Security Camera

Varifocal Lens Security Camera: What it is and How to Choose One 

A varifocal lens is a motorized camera lens with the ability to adjust its focal length and its focus–to zoom in and out. This is a fixed lens camera, which has no ability to zoom. This has obvious applications in CCTV security cameras, since it allows the camera to achieve high-resolution, zoomed-in, auto focused images of faces, license plates, and other relevant data caught on security footage.

Varifocal Lens vs. Fixed Lens

Varifocal lenses work so well in surveillance CCTV cameras because they can survey both a fairly large and a fairly small field of view–and thanks to their ability to autofocus, the distortion and blur that can occur in CCTV footage is minimized or eliminated.

A fixed lens is more limited since it’s essentially frozen in one lens position covering one field of view. Some fixed-lens cameras capture video with a high enough resolution that magnifying the footage after the fact still provides pretty good visual definition, but not all of them. Still, fixed-lens cameras are appropriate in certain CCTV applications where the field of view doesn’t need to be especially large or especially small–for example, mounted over a door or in an elevator.

Varifocal Security Camera Advantages

Varifocal lens cameras are appropriate for a wider range of locations than a fixed-lens.

They effectively monitor open outdoor areas like parking lots, parking garages, and courtyards, plus open indoor areas like warehouses and lobbies, but are also useful in hallways and public areas.

They are especially good in situations where shrinkage and theft are problems, since they can provide close-up HD video of the hands, pockets, bags, and faces of suspects.

A varifocal lens can be configured to automatically zoom in on things in response to movement, or it can be remotely done by a security system operator or monitor. This makes it an especially useful feature for cloud-based CCTV systems that prioritize remote monitoring.

There are also advanced varifocal lens cameras that can not only zoom in and out, but also swivel horizontally and vertically. This is ideal for a remote monitoring situation where multiple angles need to be covered, but there is only enough power, room, or budget for one camera.

How to Choose a Varifocal Lens Camera

Which camera you choose will be based on the field of view that you need to cover, and how detailed you want your zoomed-in images to be. Varifocal lens cameras are more expensive than fixed lens, and there is price variation within the different types of varifocal lens.

Varifocal lens cameras come in different aperture ranges:

  • 2.8-12mm lens 
  • 3.5-8mm lens 
  • 6-60mm lens
  • 5-100mm lens

“Aperture” is a word that describes the size of the opening in the lens that light comes through. Higher numbers represent smaller openings, and lower numbers represent larger openings. It’s important to choose a varifocal lens with an aperture range that is suited for the setting you need it for, with the right balance between depth of field and detail.

With varifocal lenses, a higher number and smaller aperture is generally preferred for large-scale and outdoor settings, since this allows the greatest depth of field–meaning that very little in the shot is blurry and out of focus. This is the type of varifocal lens that has the most utility in parking lots, above entrances and exits, and in large indoor spaces such as warehouses or large office spaces where a wide scope is necessary.

However, lower numbers and larger apertures are capable of capturing more detail, even though they have a more limited depth of field and greater blurriness outside the area of focus. This is very useful in indoor settings such as offices, lobbies, and retail stores where it is important to catch close-up details of faces, registers, and computer screens, but not as important to have a wide field of view.

Varifocal Optical Zoom vs. Digital Zoom

Even fixed lens cameras these days are usually equipped with a digital zoom. Is it still worth investing in a varifocal lens?

Yes it is! Digital zoom works by enlarging individual pixels, which basically creates blur. You’ve experienced this if you’ve ever tried to use your phone or computer to zoom in on a low-resolution picture. This is especially problematic in situations where you might be trying to read a license plate or get a good look at a person’s face.

Varifocal optical zoom, on the other hand, with its physically extending and retracting lens, actually records more pixels as it zooms in. This maintains the detail and definition of the image even when at maximum zoom.

When to Use a Varifocal Lens Camera

These cameras are a great security solution in a number of settings but especially these:

·        When there is no good place to mount a camera close to the area you need to survey. A varifocal lens can make up the difference in proximity by using a calibrated aperture and field of vision. This could be a long driveway, a large parking lot, or a distant entrance.

·        When you need to clearly make out fine details. This could include cashier stations, ATMs, main doors, and parking lot ingress and egress.

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Monday, April 15, 2024

Ways to Secure Data Centres

Data Centre Security- 11 Ways To Secure Data Centres 

In today’s world the most valuable assets is data. Together with the data centres that hold and process it, they underpin almost all facets of modern life. This makes data centres an attractive target for threat actors, due to the large and diverse amount of information that supports our national infrastructure and businesses.

The term data centre security conjures images of lines of code, hackers and firewalls. However, there is a huge requirement for physical security within a data centre too.

Data centres are used to house computer systems. They often include backup data, core data, replicated data and on the whole, are huge part of an organisation’s Disaster Recovery Strategy.

In a world where technology impacts many industries, data centres are crucial for businesses and therefore data centres security is a hot topic. Not only should data be protected from potential cyber-attacks, the physical building should be secure.

The security and resilience of your data and the infrastructure beneath it are therefore critical. High-profile data breaches and disruption to services are frequently reported, with each incident, causing operators and data owners potentially huge financial losses in regulatory fines, loss of sensitive IP, downtime, post-incident recovery, security improvements, and perhaps most valuably of all, reputation.

Cyber intrusion methodology evolves constantly, and sophisticated attackers have a strong incentive to defeat the defences you put in place. It should be assumed that at some point your defences will be breached and therefore it is also important to be able to respond proactively by detecting attacks and having measures in place to minimise the impact of any cyber security incidents.

Cyber security focuses on the prevention of data theft or destruction by malicious attacks; however, this is not enough to ensure your data centre remains safe. The building also has to be protected from physical attacks.

Here, we discuss 11 ways you can physically secure data centres.

1. Use Crash Barriers
Stop unauthorised vehicle entry with the installation of road blockers. These have been designed specifically to prevent the threat of potential intruders or terrorist attacks in high-security areas. Varying in height, these road blockers will restrict the entry of vehicles.

2. Use Bollards
Avoid anything impacting and colliding into the building by installing bollards. Install permanent bollards around the building entrances. Alternatively, you could install adjustable bollards that can be lowered to allow access to authorized vehicles.

3. Limit Entry Points
Where possible, try and limit the possible entry points to only one door. If you require additional fire doors, ensure these extra doors are exit only. Limit exterior door handles to prevent any re-entry.

4. Use Security Cameras
Surveillance cameras should be installed throughout the perimeter of the data centre. Consider installing adequate CCTV signage as this can be a physical deterrent.

5. Hire On-Site Security
Threats can happen at any time. You may consider an additional layer of physical security by hiring on-site staff. Having someone monitoring the site acts as a strong deterrent to intruders and can raise the alarm if they spot any potential issues.

6. Build The Data Centre In The Best Location
Plan the best location for your data centre. If possible, choose a location away from the company’s head office or headquarters.

Ensure the data centre is set back from the main road. Consider using landscaping to help form additional protection as trees can help obscure the building from passers-by. Avoid building data centres in locations that are prone to natural disasters such as in a flood area or an area prone to earthquakes or fires.

7. Plan The Data Centre Carefully
When you design a data centre, avoid unnecessary windows. Build walls that are extremely thick as they work an effective barrier as well as improving thermal insulation.

8. Embrace Biometric Technology
Biometric technology is increasingly popular and is now part of our every day lives. Install biometric identification systems in the building to control access. This is often a fingerprint recognition device. In addition to biometric technology, ensure multi-factor authentication is in place. This method utilises two or more authentication methods. For example, someone may use their fingerprint but will still need to type in a pin code or show an access card.

9. Install Perimeter fencing
Data Centres have access to unprecedented levels of data. It is important to protect data from digital hackers, but the data also needs to be protected in the physical sense. Therefore, security-rated fencing is of the utmost importance for these buildings and keeping data secure. As a physical security breach has the potential risk just like a digital attack would.

Perimeter security is also vital. Have strong fencing around your entire site. Ensure the gates and barriers are placed where surveillance equipment, a guard, or preferably both are in place.

This is why, at SSA INTEGRATE, we understand how vital data centre fencing is in the wider security strategy of sites. The ultimate goal is to detect potential threats early on and then allow enough time to intercept a risk or threat.

10. Use Access Control Equipment
Data centres should adopt a Zero Trust Network. This means that no one is trusted until they can prove who they are. Access control equipment is an important element of implementing this.

While it may seem simple, access lists should also be provided to ensure that only approved individuals can access data centre. Ensure these lists are kept up to date and are stored securely.

11. Install a Sophisticated Alarm System
Alarm systems are costly. However, these costs are outweighed by the potential benefits. Some systems are linked to local police stations or security companies. Others are silent, but trigger alerts to key staff. Whatever the system you choose, it will bring peace of mind.

People value physical security. They trust places that are secure when they can actually see forms of security such as gates, barriers and alarm systems.

Many companies may forget about the physical form of security when it comes to data centres as they are concentrating on the risk of cyber threats. Although cybersecurity is vital and needs to be as sophisticated as possible, teaming this up with physical security can ensure your data centre is as secure as it can be.

As data centres evolve in the future, the need for physical measures will remain vital. However, physical security measures may also evolve. Having a multi-layer approach that considers both physical and cyber elements will ensure the best protection.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Will Lora replace 4G LTE in IoT

Will Lora replace 4G LTE in IoT 

LoRa (Long Range) and 4G LTE (Long-Term Evolution) are both used in the Internet of Things (IoT) space, but they cater to different requirements and use cases. Whether LoRa will replace 4G LTE in IoT depends on the specific needs of the IoT application. Here are some key considerations:

Range and Power Consumption:

LoRa: LoRa is known for its long-range capabilities and low power consumption. It is suitable for applications where devices are spread out over a wide area and need to communicate over long distances with minimal power usage.

4G LTE: LTE is designed for higher data rates and is well-suited for applications that require faster communication speeds. However, LTE may consume more power compared to LoRa.

Data Rate:

LoRa: Offers relatively low data rates suitable for applications with sporadic and small data transmission requirements, such as sensor readings and status updates.

4G LTE: Provides higher data rates, making it suitable for applications with more frequent and data-intensive communication needs.

Infrastructure and Cost:

LoRa: Typically has a lower infrastructure cost, making it a cost-effective choice for large-scale deployments where devices are spread out over a wide area.

4G LTE: Requires more extensive infrastructure and may involve higher costs, but it offers faster and more reliable connectivity.

Application Requirements:

LoRa: Commonly used in scenarios like agriculture, smart cities, and industrial IoT where long-range communication and low power consumption are critical.

4G LTE: Preferred for applications requiring higher bandwidth, mobility support, and faster data transfer, such as connected vehicles or video surveillance.


In many cases, these technologies can complement each other within an IoT ecosystem. Hybrid solutions that leverage both LoRa for low-power, long-range communication and 4G LTE for higher bandwidth and mobility are not uncommon.

Ultimately, the choice between LoRa and 4G LTE in IoT depends on the specific needs and priorities of the application, including factors such as range, data rate, power consumption, and cost.

The following is a list of top 10 countries/territories by 4G LTE coverage as measured by in February/March 2019:

The LoRa Alliance is an open, non-profit association whose stated mission is to support and promote the global adoption of the LoRaWAN standard for massively scaled IoT deployments, as well as deployments in remote or hard-to-reach locations.