Saturday, April 30, 2016

Say no to female bosses

Believe it or not, I am embarrassed. India’s flagship IT and telecom sectors have badly let down the women folk in a recent nation-wide cross-industry employee survey on boss preference.
While in similar industries like media and entertainment over 67% respondents; and in consumer durables and FMCG almost 50% people surveyed want female managers, only 8 percent people in IT and Telecom companies said they want to report to a woman. This is very surprising and disappointing as well, because in BPO and software development companies the female population ranges from 15 to 30% – relatively higher than many other sectors. I was expecting that more employees here will be open to having female bosses because they have more exposure to working with females in the office. Really, this is a shocker.

What could be the reasons for this ‘sexist’ kind of mindset coming out in the findings? Obviously, with lesser number of women at senior and managerial roles the workforce’s exposure to female bosses will be limited. This could be one explanation to the findings of the survey. But then other sectors have lesser female employees but respondents have not outright rejected the idea of a woman boss. Do men feel threatened with more women around ? A very high percentage of respondents have said that female bosses are more ‘considerate and understanding’, yet they would like a male boss.

Before you think I am trying to make it a gender vs gender fight, let me share with you some more interesting data. In the survey, 79% female respondents said they will prefer a male boss, compared to 66% males who said they will prefer a male boss. And here is more. When given a choice, those who currently work with a female boss said they will prefer a male boss while those working with male bosses didn’t feel a need to switch.

Govt is disrupting the INDIAN Culture by bringing more and more biased laws , which is in near future will collapse the sacred institution of marriage as already we can witness lot of divorce cases have increased , the fact is that if you visit any court either it is a civil court or criminal court more than 70-75% cases are of family cases of divorce, 498a, Domestic Violence, now marital rape and out of this 75% cases 72% cases are false.

Indian Youth have to wake up and fight against this gender biased laws as it already too late.

Even Shri Rahul Gandhi ji is afraid to get married as he is afraid if so he marry and if he get entangled in a false 498a or false dowry or false marital rape case his career and his family will be lost, To safe guard his family he is not getting married .

Even Honorable Supreme Court Of Indian has termed misuse of sec IPC 498a as "LEGAL TERRORISM"
Americans are still more likely to say they would prefer a male boss (33%) to a female boss (20%) in a new job, although 46% say it doesn't make a difference to them. While women are more likely than men to say they would prefer a female boss, they are still more likely to say they would prefer a male boss overall.

These results are based on Gallup's annual work and education poll, conducted Aug. 7-10. In 1953, Gallup first asked Americans, "If you were taking a new job and had your choice of a boss, would you prefer to work for a man or a woman?" At that time, 66% of Americans said they preferred a male boss. Five percent said they preferred a female boss, and 25% volunteered that it made no difference.

Some unknown people who engaged with me in some dialogue tried to belittle the numbers I presented about numerous issues like rape, dowry, suicides, education, sexual abuse of children and other many other crimes. Therefore I am providing below the sources along with the links (most of them are official and from the government or quote the government sources).

A) Husbands committing suicides in twice numbers as wives:
B) Tihar jail: 46.15 pc of female inmates have been convicted for murder charges alone as against the male count of 33.47 pc.
C) 94% pickpockets in Delhi Metro are women:
D) More Suffering of Male children (more abuse, sexual, physical etc)
Source of data Ministry of Women and Child Development India:
Stats of various states : Source : Chapter 6.2 in
E) NCRB data 2012: Only about 10% of crimes are against women. 50% of these are dowry related crimes 80%-98% of which are found to be false:
F) NCRB data 2012: Cruelty by husbands and his relatives: (conviction rate) of 14% and if you take away the dowry death then it becomes 3% :
G) 77% False rape cases
Compare the rape numbers (shown in table) of all countries and see that in India they are one of the least in the world, developed countries have rapes by 5-35 times.
H) NSSO data: Boys are 55% more likely to be child labourers than girls in India:
I) Child Literacy:
In primary education, the GPI has gone up from 0.76 in 1990-91 to 1.01 in 2010-11 and in secondary education the increase is from 0.60 in 1990-91 to 0.87 in 2010-11
J) This is Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Month - SHOCKING fact from the most feminist institution in India - Govt of India's - Ministry of Women and Child Developement -
53% boys faced sexual abuse as compared to 47% girls !!!!!
The feminists and media have conveniently ignored this fact.
Stats of various states : Source : Chapter 6.2 in
K) Could we please start talking about tackling the false rape case epidemic in India. India has the least rape reports and has one of the highest false rape cases as per NCRB statistics (75%) .
Rapes per 100,000 as per 2010 official figures from around the world: Any over reporting or under reporting is the same around the world. WE ARE HAVING A FALSE DOWRY
AND RAPE CASE EPIDEMIC. Media whips up hysteria due to our stronger sentimental and emotional corners for our women whom most of us consider as mothers, sisters, daughter-in-laws and even address as such almost everyone.
South Africa 132.4
Sweden 63.5
Australia 28.6
United Kingdom 28
America 27.3
Norway 19.2
Finland 15.2
Mexico 13.2
Germany 9.4
Thailand 6.7
Russian Federation 3.4
India 1.8
Canada 1.7

75% rape cases that are proven false in India, I believe there is also a huge number of false reporting in the numbers. And IMO under reporting is the same all over the world. Imagine any country where women are almost always called didi, chachi, tai, bahu, beti in their own languages? Indians are sensitive to this particular crime more than any other crime. The hysteria is picked up by the media and milked to get TRP ratings. For foreign media - its a good time to bash the respect that Indian culture has around the world. In other words the misandry is sponsored by media who are predominantly feminists and misandrists.

भारतीय कानून पुरुषो के लिये अभिशाप.....
जब भी आप किसी पुरुषों की हितों की बात करते हो तो सबसे पहले पुरुष रूपी मानव ही एक हिंसक नारी का रूप धारण कर के नारियों का पक्षपात करते नजर आते है ओर वो तब तक ऐसा करते है जब तक वो खुद या उनके परिवार में कोई नारियों का शिकार ना हो जाये।
ज्ञात हो NCRB की विश्लेषण के अनुसार.... 

* 95% 498 (दहेज़ प्रताड़ना) केस फर्जी

* 76% 376/377 (बलात्कार) के आरोप फर्जी
* 98% कार्य स्थल में छेड़-छाड के आरोप फर्जी
* 95% घरेलु हिंसा का केस फर्जी

1. हम सभी जानते है की थोड़ी बहुत कहा सुनी हर घर में होती है तो उसके लिये दहेज़ प्रताड़ना का केस क्यों??
2. पहले तो लड़कियाँ आपसी सहमति से एक लड़के के साथ सम्बन्ध भी बनाती है और वो भी मुफ़्त में नही, लड़के का सारा पैसा भी चूस लेती है और नये बकरा मिलते ही या लड़के द्वारा शादी का दवाब बनाते ही बलात्कार का आरोप क्यों???

आपने अक्सर समाचार चैनलो द्वारा सुना होगा की अमुक व्यक्ति ने अमुक लड़की से लगातार कई वर्षो से शोसन कर रहा है तो इतने दिनों बाद उस लड़की को समझ में आया की उनके साथ क्या हो रहा है??
3. अपने कार्य स्थल में अगर किसी लड़के ने लड़की से ज्यादा मेहनत कर अपना नाम कमाया और तरक्की के समय उसे निचा दिखने या अपने ऊपरी अधिकारी को डरा कर की अगर मेरी तरक्की उस लड़के से ज्यादा नही हुई तो आप सभी पर छेड़ छाड़ का आरोप लगा दूँगी, ऐसा क्यों??
4. 498 में थोड़ा सुधार किया गया जिसमें कुछ मुक़दमे में सिर्फ लड़के का नाम ही आरोपी के रूप में लिया जायेगा तो पुरे परिवार को फँसाने के लिये घरेलू हिंसा का प्रावधान भी है।

स्मरन रखे...

ऊपर लिखी बातो की वजह से हर 7 मिनट में एक पुरुष आत्म हत्या करने को मजबूर हो जाता है, यह आँकड़ा प्रतिदिन 175 है और प्रतिवर्ष 76000 के भी ऊपर पार कर चूका है। इस कानून की चपेट में लगभग 7 करोड़ पुरुष और उनके परिवार पीड़ित है। प्रति वर्ष 45000 से भी ज्यादा लड़के के परिवार के माता, विवाहित बहने, भाई-भाभी और बच्चों को जेल में डाला जाता है, तो क्या उनके अधिकारो का हनन नही? अगर यही हालात रहा तो आने वाले 2025 तक तक हर दूसरा घर इस माहवारी की चपेट में होगा।

1. अब तक महिलाओं के पक्ष में 47 कानून बनाये जा चुके है और पुरुषों के लिये एक भी नही?

2. महिलाओं के लिये हर जगह आरक्षण की व्यवस्था है जबकि पुरुषों के लिये कुछ भी नही?

3. महिलाओं के लिये सरकार रेलवे, अस्पताल, बैंक, दफ्तर सभी जगह आरक्षण देती है जो की पुरुषों के जगह में कार्य करती है उसके लिये कोई अलग प्रभार नही तो क्या इसमें पुरुषों की अधिकारो का हनन नही होता??
4. महिलाओं के लिये अलग अस्पताल और इलाज में छूट दी जाती है तो क्या पुरुष बीमार नही होते है??
5. हर जगह लड़की पढ़ाओ लड़की बढ़ाओ का प्रचलन बढ़ता जा रहा है, लाड़ली योजना, ओर ऐसे अनगिनत फायदे दिए जा रहे है तो क्या लड़के बिना सुविधा के ही पढ़ लिख लेंगे??
6. नारी सशक्तिकरण के नाम पर हर जगह लड़कों का ही शोषण हो रहा है ये गलत नही??
7. अगर किसी लड़की ने आपको या आपके परिवार के ऊपर दहेज़ प्रताड़ना का मुकदमा कर दिया तो आपकी नौकरी, व्यवसाय, सामाजिक मान-मर्यादा, प्रतिस्ठा सब ख़त्म और केस चलते हुए 5-10 वर्ष बाद जब आप निर्दोष साबित होंगे तब लड़की को महज 15000रु जुर्माना (ये बात भी सब लड़की पर लागू नही) तो क्या ये सही है??
8. बलात्कार के आरोप में आरोपी को तुरंत हिरासत में लिया जाता है और उसके साथ भी ऊपर लिखी बाते से भी ज्यादा बुरा होता है, आपने भले ही ये कुकर्म नही किया होगा लेकिन आपको समाज कभी भी कबुल नही करेगा, अंत में जब आप निर्दोष साबित होंगे तो इसमें लड़की को महज 500रु जुर्माना। इस दौरान कई महीने और सालो तक जेल में रह सकते है इसकी अधिकतम सजा 7 वर्ष से भी ज्यादा है जबकि लड़की को कोई सजा नही??

अक्सर लड़के अपने साथ हुए जाबती को सबसे छुपाते है और जब बात बहुत बढ़ जाती है तब वो थोडा खुलते है सबके साथ उसके बाद भी लोग लड़कियों का पक्ष लेते है, जबकि उन्हें सारी बाते पता होता है।
अगर आपने किसी लड़की/औरत का सच सबके सामने लाने के बारे में भी सोचा तो समाज के लोग कहते है की ऐसा मत करो इस से हमारी भी माँ-बहन की छवि ख़राब होती है, मतलब की आप सब सहते रहो क्योंकि उनके साथ ऐसा कुछ नही हुआ है।

असलियत में तो उन लड़कियों का सच सामने लाने से हमारी माँ-बहन की इज्जत बनी रहेगी और समाज में ऐसे लोगो से दूसरे लोग भी सचेत रहेंगे नही तो वो उसका कभी भी शिकार बन सकते है।

नोट:- ये मेरी और मेरे जैसे कई पीड़ित भाईयो के द्वारा किये गये अध्यन का विश्लेषण है, कृप्या इसे अन्यथा में ना ले।

Saturday, April 9, 2016

The advantage of H.265 Camera

H.265 / HEVC is the latest video compression standard which is based on H.264, driven by ever increasing demand for high definition and the rapid development of imaging technology, UHD becomes trend in today's television and video surveillance market. UHD standards for ultra high definition includes 4K UHD and 8K UHD. 4K UHD equals 3840 x 2160 (approximate 8.29 megapixels), while 8K UHD equals 7680x4320 (approximate 33.18 megapixels). 
In today's video surveillance applications such as parking lot, hotel, safe city, harbor, air port and elsewhere large scaled and has growing demand on detail capturing, which, at the same time, pressuring on decoding and storage. Apparently, the introduction and development of H.265 standard brings extensive possibilities and optimism to the industry by addressing problems such as shortage of bandwidth, improving transmission efficiency and delivers other benefits.
In order to solve the high bandwidth problem for ultra high definition, the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) developed the H.265/High Efficiency Video Coding. Compared with current mainstream H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, the H.265 is able to double the data compression ratio, while improve video quality with low bit-rate. The H.265 supports both 4K UHD and 8K UHD resolution up to 8192x4320. In conclusion, H.265 is capable of further reducing 50% the data rate requested for high quality video coding. Bitrate is acclaimed to have approximate 40% to 50% down at 1080p while rendering superb image quality.  This enables IP camera to deliver smooth video with low bandwidth, which in turn, reducing the network bandwidth, and video storage size. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of 4G cellular mobile technology, the integration between the H.265 and 4G will have much possibilities.
HEVC/H.265 mainly features in the following aspects:
·         Higher compression efficiency, when compared with H.264/AVC. In same resolution, HEVC/H.265 has lower bitrate than H.264/HEVC.
·         Support high definition, ultra high definition video formats
·         Support frame rate of 20-60 frame per second video decoding, has same flexibility like the H.264/AVC, supports maximum 172fps.
·         Friendly network adaptation.
As leading and innovative corporate, Hisilicon and Ambarella can't resist its charm and prospect, both of them introducing the first H.265 SoC for ultra high definition IP cameras. Despite the reason that H.265 is still a new compression standard to video surveillance industry, the security camera manufacturers such as Hikvision and Dahua have already adopted H.265 in their latest product portfolio, including ultra high definition network camera, NVRs.
To start with cameras, Hikvision has a latest-released 2 megapixel H.265 low light smart camera DS-2CD5026FWD-(A)(P). As H.265 camera, the Darkfighter series ultra-low light Smart cameras are able to capture high quality colored images in dim light environment. DS-2CD5026FWD offers Full HD resolution with up to 60fps high frame rate, 120dB WDR, Auto Back Focus, P-Iris, PoE, 3D DNR and complete Smart Feature-set to meet a wide variety of applications. It supports H.265/H.264/MJPEG dual video compression, allowing over 40% lesser bandwidth use while acquiring outstanding image quality. Moreover, with its functions such as Intrusion Detection, Line Crossing Detection, Scene Change Detection, Audio Surge Detection, Audio Loss Detection, Defocus Detection, Face Detection, etc.
On video storage perspective, Dahua and Hikvision introduced a comprehensive H.265 4K NVR product lineup, which covers different demands from small to medium as well as large scaled applications. These network video recorders have capability to support up to 12 megapixel recording capability, supporting 1080p@60fps and H.265 preview and playback; 4 channel 4K resolution real time live view and playback; meanwhile, the NVR has many intelligent functions including smart video analysis, facial detection, privacy mask.