Saturday, April 30, 2016

Say no to female bosses

Believe it or not, I am embarrassed. India’s flagship IT and telecom sectors have badly let down the women folk in a recent nation-wide cross-industry employee survey on boss preference.
While in similar industries like media and entertainment over 67% respondents; and in consumer durables and FMCG almost 50% people surveyed want female managers, only 8 percent people in IT and Telecom companies said they want to report to a woman. This is very surprising and disappointing as well, because in BPO and software development companies the female population ranges from 15 to 30% – relatively higher than many other sectors. I was expecting that more employees here will be open to having female bosses because they have more exposure to working with females in the office. Really, this is a shocker.

What could be the reasons for this ‘sexist’ kind of mindset coming out in the findings? Obviously, with lesser number of women at senior and managerial roles the workforce’s exposure to female bosses will be limited. This could be one explanation to the findings of the survey. But then other sectors have lesser female employees but respondents have not outright rejected the idea of a woman boss. Do men feel threatened with more women around ? A very high percentage of respondents have said that female bosses are more ‘considerate and understanding’, yet they would like a male boss.

Before you think I am trying to make it a gender vs gender fight, let me share with you some more interesting data. In the survey, 79% female respondents said they will prefer a male boss, compared to 66% males who said they will prefer a male boss. And here is more. When given a choice, those who currently work with a female boss said they will prefer a male boss while those working with male bosses didn’t feel a need to switch.

Govt is disrupting the INDIAN Culture by bringing more and more biased laws , which is in near future will collapse the sacred institution of marriage as already we can witness lot of divorce cases have increased , the fact is that if you visit any court either it is a civil court or criminal court more than 70-75% cases are of family cases of divorce, 498a, Domestic Violence, now marital rape and out of this 75% cases 72% cases are false.

Indian Youth have to wake up and fight against this gender biased laws as it already too late.

Even Shri Rahul Gandhi ji is afraid to get married as he is afraid if so he marry and if he get entangled in a false 498a or false dowry or false marital rape case his career and his family will be lost, To safe guard his family he is not getting married .

Even Honorable Supreme Court Of Indian has termed misuse of sec IPC 498a as "LEGAL TERRORISM"
Americans are still more likely to say they would prefer a male boss (33%) to a female boss (20%) in a new job, although 46% say it doesn't make a difference to them. While women are more likely than men to say they would prefer a female boss, they are still more likely to say they would prefer a male boss overall.

These results are based on Gallup's annual work and education poll, conducted Aug. 7-10. In 1953, Gallup first asked Americans, "If you were taking a new job and had your choice of a boss, would you prefer to work for a man or a woman?" At that time, 66% of Americans said they preferred a male boss. Five percent said they preferred a female boss, and 25% volunteered that it made no difference.

Some unknown people who engaged with me in some dialogue tried to belittle the numbers I presented about numerous issues like rape, dowry, suicides, education, sexual abuse of children and other many other crimes. Therefore I am providing below the sources along with the links (most of them are official and from the government or quote the government sources).

A) Husbands committing suicides in twice numbers as wives:
B) Tihar jail: 46.15 pc of female inmates have been convicted for murder charges alone as against the male count of 33.47 pc.
C) 94% pickpockets in Delhi Metro are women:
D) More Suffering of Male children (more abuse, sexual, physical etc)
Source of data Ministry of Women and Child Development India:
Stats of various states : Source : Chapter 6.2 in
E) NCRB data 2012: Only about 10% of crimes are against women. 50% of these are dowry related crimes 80%-98% of which are found to be false:
F) NCRB data 2012: Cruelty by husbands and his relatives: (conviction rate) of 14% and if you take away the dowry death then it becomes 3% :
G) 77% False rape cases
Compare the rape numbers (shown in table) of all countries and see that in India they are one of the least in the world, developed countries have rapes by 5-35 times.
H) NSSO data: Boys are 55% more likely to be child labourers than girls in India:
I) Child Literacy:
In primary education, the GPI has gone up from 0.76 in 1990-91 to 1.01 in 2010-11 and in secondary education the increase is from 0.60 in 1990-91 to 0.87 in 2010-11
J) This is Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Month - SHOCKING fact from the most feminist institution in India - Govt of India's - Ministry of Women and Child Developement -
53% boys faced sexual abuse as compared to 47% girls !!!!!
The feminists and media have conveniently ignored this fact.
Stats of various states : Source : Chapter 6.2 in
K) Could we please start talking about tackling the false rape case epidemic in India. India has the least rape reports and has one of the highest false rape cases as per NCRB statistics (75%) .
Rapes per 100,000 as per 2010 official figures from around the world: Any over reporting or under reporting is the same around the world. WE ARE HAVING A FALSE DOWRY
AND RAPE CASE EPIDEMIC. Media whips up hysteria due to our stronger sentimental and emotional corners for our women whom most of us consider as mothers, sisters, daughter-in-laws and even address as such almost everyone.
South Africa 132.4
Sweden 63.5
Australia 28.6
United Kingdom 28
America 27.3
Norway 19.2
Finland 15.2
Mexico 13.2
Germany 9.4
Thailand 6.7
Russian Federation 3.4
India 1.8
Canada 1.7

75% rape cases that are proven false in India, I believe there is also a huge number of false reporting in the numbers. And IMO under reporting is the same all over the world. Imagine any country where women are almost always called didi, chachi, tai, bahu, beti in their own languages? Indians are sensitive to this particular crime more than any other crime. The hysteria is picked up by the media and milked to get TRP ratings. For foreign media - its a good time to bash the respect that Indian culture has around the world. In other words the misandry is sponsored by media who are predominantly feminists and misandrists.

भारतीय कानून पुरुषो के लिये अभिशाप.....
जब भी आप किसी पुरुषों की हितों की बात करते हो तो सबसे पहले पुरुष रूपी मानव ही एक हिंसक नारी का रूप धारण कर के नारियों का पक्षपात करते नजर आते है ओर वो तब तक ऐसा करते है जब तक वो खुद या उनके परिवार में कोई नारियों का शिकार ना हो जाये।
ज्ञात हो NCRB की विश्लेषण के अनुसार.... 

* 95% 498 (दहेज़ प्रताड़ना) केस फर्जी

* 76% 376/377 (बलात्कार) के आरोप फर्जी
* 98% कार्य स्थल में छेड़-छाड के आरोप फर्जी
* 95% घरेलु हिंसा का केस फर्जी

1. हम सभी जानते है की थोड़ी बहुत कहा सुनी हर घर में होती है तो उसके लिये दहेज़ प्रताड़ना का केस क्यों??
2. पहले तो लड़कियाँ आपसी सहमति से एक लड़के के साथ सम्बन्ध भी बनाती है और वो भी मुफ़्त में नही, लड़के का सारा पैसा भी चूस लेती है और नये बकरा मिलते ही या लड़के द्वारा शादी का दवाब बनाते ही बलात्कार का आरोप क्यों???

आपने अक्सर समाचार चैनलो द्वारा सुना होगा की अमुक व्यक्ति ने अमुक लड़की से लगातार कई वर्षो से शोसन कर रहा है तो इतने दिनों बाद उस लड़की को समझ में आया की उनके साथ क्या हो रहा है??
3. अपने कार्य स्थल में अगर किसी लड़के ने लड़की से ज्यादा मेहनत कर अपना नाम कमाया और तरक्की के समय उसे निचा दिखने या अपने ऊपरी अधिकारी को डरा कर की अगर मेरी तरक्की उस लड़के से ज्यादा नही हुई तो आप सभी पर छेड़ छाड़ का आरोप लगा दूँगी, ऐसा क्यों??
4. 498 में थोड़ा सुधार किया गया जिसमें कुछ मुक़दमे में सिर्फ लड़के का नाम ही आरोपी के रूप में लिया जायेगा तो पुरे परिवार को फँसाने के लिये घरेलू हिंसा का प्रावधान भी है।

स्मरन रखे...

ऊपर लिखी बातो की वजह से हर 7 मिनट में एक पुरुष आत्म हत्या करने को मजबूर हो जाता है, यह आँकड़ा प्रतिदिन 175 है और प्रतिवर्ष 76000 के भी ऊपर पार कर चूका है। इस कानून की चपेट में लगभग 7 करोड़ पुरुष और उनके परिवार पीड़ित है। प्रति वर्ष 45000 से भी ज्यादा लड़के के परिवार के माता, विवाहित बहने, भाई-भाभी और बच्चों को जेल में डाला जाता है, तो क्या उनके अधिकारो का हनन नही? अगर यही हालात रहा तो आने वाले 2025 तक तक हर दूसरा घर इस माहवारी की चपेट में होगा।

1. अब तक महिलाओं के पक्ष में 47 कानून बनाये जा चुके है और पुरुषों के लिये एक भी नही?

2. महिलाओं के लिये हर जगह आरक्षण की व्यवस्था है जबकि पुरुषों के लिये कुछ भी नही?

3. महिलाओं के लिये सरकार रेलवे, अस्पताल, बैंक, दफ्तर सभी जगह आरक्षण देती है जो की पुरुषों के जगह में कार्य करती है उसके लिये कोई अलग प्रभार नही तो क्या इसमें पुरुषों की अधिकारो का हनन नही होता??
4. महिलाओं के लिये अलग अस्पताल और इलाज में छूट दी जाती है तो क्या पुरुष बीमार नही होते है??
5. हर जगह लड़की पढ़ाओ लड़की बढ़ाओ का प्रचलन बढ़ता जा रहा है, लाड़ली योजना, ओर ऐसे अनगिनत फायदे दिए जा रहे है तो क्या लड़के बिना सुविधा के ही पढ़ लिख लेंगे??
6. नारी सशक्तिकरण के नाम पर हर जगह लड़कों का ही शोषण हो रहा है ये गलत नही??
7. अगर किसी लड़की ने आपको या आपके परिवार के ऊपर दहेज़ प्रताड़ना का मुकदमा कर दिया तो आपकी नौकरी, व्यवसाय, सामाजिक मान-मर्यादा, प्रतिस्ठा सब ख़त्म और केस चलते हुए 5-10 वर्ष बाद जब आप निर्दोष साबित होंगे तब लड़की को महज 15000रु जुर्माना (ये बात भी सब लड़की पर लागू नही) तो क्या ये सही है??
8. बलात्कार के आरोप में आरोपी को तुरंत हिरासत में लिया जाता है और उसके साथ भी ऊपर लिखी बाते से भी ज्यादा बुरा होता है, आपने भले ही ये कुकर्म नही किया होगा लेकिन आपको समाज कभी भी कबुल नही करेगा, अंत में जब आप निर्दोष साबित होंगे तो इसमें लड़की को महज 500रु जुर्माना। इस दौरान कई महीने और सालो तक जेल में रह सकते है इसकी अधिकतम सजा 7 वर्ष से भी ज्यादा है जबकि लड़की को कोई सजा नही??

अक्सर लड़के अपने साथ हुए जाबती को सबसे छुपाते है और जब बात बहुत बढ़ जाती है तब वो थोडा खुलते है सबके साथ उसके बाद भी लोग लड़कियों का पक्ष लेते है, जबकि उन्हें सारी बाते पता होता है।
अगर आपने किसी लड़की/औरत का सच सबके सामने लाने के बारे में भी सोचा तो समाज के लोग कहते है की ऐसा मत करो इस से हमारी भी माँ-बहन की छवि ख़राब होती है, मतलब की आप सब सहते रहो क्योंकि उनके साथ ऐसा कुछ नही हुआ है।

असलियत में तो उन लड़कियों का सच सामने लाने से हमारी माँ-बहन की इज्जत बनी रहेगी और समाज में ऐसे लोगो से दूसरे लोग भी सचेत रहेंगे नही तो वो उसका कभी भी शिकार बन सकते है।

नोट:- ये मेरी और मेरे जैसे कई पीड़ित भाईयो के द्वारा किये गये अध्यन का विश्लेषण है, कृप्या इसे अन्यथा में ना ले।

Saturday, April 9, 2016

The advantage of H.265 Camera

H.265 / HEVC is the latest video compression standard which is based on H.264, driven by ever increasing demand for high definition and the rapid development of imaging technology, UHD becomes trend in today's television and video surveillance market. UHD standards for ultra high definition includes 4K UHD and 8K UHD. 4K UHD equals 3840 x 2160 (approximate 8.29 megapixels), while 8K UHD equals 7680x4320 (approximate 33.18 megapixels). 
In today's video surveillance applications such as parking lot, hotel, safe city, harbor, air port and elsewhere large scaled and has growing demand on detail capturing, which, at the same time, pressuring on decoding and storage. Apparently, the introduction and development of H.265 standard brings extensive possibilities and optimism to the industry by addressing problems such as shortage of bandwidth, improving transmission efficiency and delivers other benefits.
In order to solve the high bandwidth problem for ultra high definition, the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) developed the H.265/High Efficiency Video Coding. Compared with current mainstream H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, the H.265 is able to double the data compression ratio, while improve video quality with low bit-rate. The H.265 supports both 4K UHD and 8K UHD resolution up to 8192x4320. In conclusion, H.265 is capable of further reducing 50% the data rate requested for high quality video coding. Bitrate is acclaimed to have approximate 40% to 50% down at 1080p while rendering superb image quality.  This enables IP camera to deliver smooth video with low bandwidth, which in turn, reducing the network bandwidth, and video storage size. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of 4G cellular mobile technology, the integration between the H.265 and 4G will have much possibilities.
HEVC/H.265 mainly features in the following aspects:
·         Higher compression efficiency, when compared with H.264/AVC. In same resolution, HEVC/H.265 has lower bitrate than H.264/HEVC.
·         Support high definition, ultra high definition video formats
·         Support frame rate of 20-60 frame per second video decoding, has same flexibility like the H.264/AVC, supports maximum 172fps.
·         Friendly network adaptation.
As leading and innovative corporate, Hisilicon and Ambarella can't resist its charm and prospect, both of them introducing the first H.265 SoC for ultra high definition IP cameras. Despite the reason that H.265 is still a new compression standard to video surveillance industry, the security camera manufacturers such as Hikvision and Dahua have already adopted H.265 in their latest product portfolio, including ultra high definition network camera, NVRs.
To start with cameras, Hikvision has a latest-released 2 megapixel H.265 low light smart camera DS-2CD5026FWD-(A)(P). As H.265 camera, the Darkfighter series ultra-low light Smart cameras are able to capture high quality colored images in dim light environment. DS-2CD5026FWD offers Full HD resolution with up to 60fps high frame rate, 120dB WDR, Auto Back Focus, P-Iris, PoE, 3D DNR and complete Smart Feature-set to meet a wide variety of applications. It supports H.265/H.264/MJPEG dual video compression, allowing over 40% lesser bandwidth use while acquiring outstanding image quality. Moreover, with its functions such as Intrusion Detection, Line Crossing Detection, Scene Change Detection, Audio Surge Detection, Audio Loss Detection, Defocus Detection, Face Detection, etc.
On video storage perspective, Dahua and Hikvision introduced a comprehensive H.265 4K NVR product lineup, which covers different demands from small to medium as well as large scaled applications. These network video recorders have capability to support up to 12 megapixel recording capability, supporting 1080p@60fps and H.265 preview and playback; 4 channel 4K resolution real time live view and playback; meanwhile, the NVR has many intelligent functions including smart video analysis, facial detection, privacy mask.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Convert DVI-D to VGA

Convert DVI-D to VGA

VGA (Video Graphics Array) is a hardware specification for display monitors and computers that allows a computer to display applications on a VGA-based monitor via a VGA cable. VGA technology is one of the oldest forms of display hardware in computing and is outfitted in virtually every computer system in the world. VGA uses analog signals but is compatible with most digital devices. While DVI technology has superseded VGA technology, both specifications are often included in personal computers, with VGA technology being much more common in laptop computers than desktop computers.
What is DVI-D?
DVI (Digital Visual Interface) is a hardware specification for computers and display equipment that is similar to VGA. DVI-D (Digital Visual Interface Digital) refers to DVI technology that is used exclusively with digital devices, while other versions of DVI can be used with analog devices. While VGA technology was made for analog computers, DVI technology is more modern and is intended for digital computers and display equipment, such as monitors and projectors. While VGA and DVI produce similar quality on regular monitors, DVI produces much higher picture quality on LCD monitors and other high-definition equipment.
How to Convert DVI-D to VGA
In order to convert DVI-D to VGA, either a DVI-D to VGA conversion cable or a DVI-D to VGA adapter must be implemented. DVI-D to VGA conversion cables and adapters are similar but the conversion cable allows the user to separate the devices over a short distance while the adapter requires the devices to be back-to-back. Most display devices have their own cable, allowing the user to connect the adapter to a DVI port and use the VGA cable to bridge the distance between the two devices. Either method allows the user to convert DVI-D digital signals into VGA analog signals so that a DVI-D source device can be used with a VGA output device.

A user may wish to convert DVI-D signals into VGA signals if he/she is using a DVI-D computer and a VGA monitor or projector. DVI-D technology is found in most modern digital equipment and should be used with a DVI-D output device, such as an LCD monitor. However, if the user’s output device is older than the source device, it may depend on analog signals and not have a DVI-D port.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Rising Biometrics Security Market Growth

Rising  Biometrics Security Market Growth

Biometrics has been the next big thing for over two decades.  Persistence Market Research released its own report entitled “Next Generation Biometric Market – PMR Market Insight Report 2015 to 2021”, in which the biometrics market is expected to grow at a significant growth rate.


• Automated fingerprint identification systems (AFIS)
• Palm and vein reading systems that supplement AFIS
• Non-automated fingerprint identification systems
• Facial recognition
• Iris scans
• Integrated AFIS, face, and iris systems
• DNA readers
• Biometric signatures
• Data encoders
• Bar coder
• Document scanner

According to the report, this explosive growth rate can be attributed to the increasing occurances of terrorism and the theft of crucial data and information, which have raised concerns about national and personal security.

The report covers a number of key topics, including market segmentation according to types, application, products and technology; geographic segmentation including North America, Europe, Asia and RoW; the market size and forecast for the different segments and geographies; company profiles of some of the market’s leading companies; and Porter’s five forces analysis of the market.

The report highlights some of several key drivers of the market, including the growth in e-passport program, government support and extensive use in criminal identification. Additionally, the increasing need for large scale surveillance at public gatherings and penetration of smartphones will also drive the global next-generation biometrics market.

In terms of challenges that hinder the growth of the global next generation biometrics market, the report singles out high cost of systems and fear of privacy intrusion.
In early 2015 Mobey Forum carried out a survey about biometrics amongst 235 respondents from Europe, North America and the Middle East, 59% of which were from banks and other financial institutions and 32% were from solution providers. 

The paper focuses on the applicability of biometrics as a method of identification, authentication and authorisation for services in mobile banking and payments services. It contends that the acceleration of mobile in the banking sector has been critical for getting biometrics out of the starting blocks. In partnership with mobile, biometrics offers considerable benefits, especially with regard to user experience. It should be noted that biometrics is also potentially valuable in other areas of financial services such as employee screening, know-your-customer, online dealing transactions, and insurance.

For banks and payment service providers, security is a minimum requirement, but convenience wins customers; they will not adopt security measures that are inconvenient. This is confirmed in the results of the survey and also by prevailing consumer attitudes to biometrics. Fuelled by the Apple ‘cool’ factor, users appear generally positive towards biometrics at this point, even across a range of age groups.
At the same time, historic concerns about biometrics, for example with regards to accuracy and price, are no longer so pressing. Other concerns, like security, however, still are. For biometrics to succeed, it must be used in combination with secure technologies for storage and processing.
Mobey Forum survey shows that the vast majority of banks intend to implement biometrics in the relatively near future, just as the number of handset manufacturers planning to integrate biometric capabilities into their devices rises.

Conversely, the growing use of biometric technology in e-commerce and cloud computing for biometric technology will serve as an opportunity, which should help fuel the growth of the global biometrics market.
The report identifies some of the key players dominating the market, including 3M, Cross Match Technologies, Inc., Facebanx, Fingerprint Cards AB, Fujitsu Ltd., Fulcrum Biometrics, NCE Corporation, RCG Holdings Limited, Safran SA, and Siemens AG. South Korean biometric technology firm VIRDI has integrated its access control solution with HIKVISION.

The new solution brings multi-factor recognition to the HIKVISION iVMS-5200P video surveillance software by allowing various authentication methods, such as a card, pin number, fingerprint, face, and mobile key. The total solution is based on ONVIF (Open Network Video Forum) which is a global standard. VIRDI’s managing director of sales commented in a statement that: “We will expand our overseas business cooperating with the global enterprise in security industry.”

The company had previously successfully integrated its fingerprint authentication system with PAXTON’s enterprise access control solution.

Biometrics technologies used for measuring and evaluating human body characteristics, like fingerprints, irises and retinas, vocal and facial patterns for authentication and identification purposes. A prominent rise in the embracing of biometrics technology can be seen in India over the last five years. In addition to the most high-flying and well-liked technique of biometric authentication, which is fingerprint recognition, additional means of biometric authentication are swiftly gaining traction in the country on account of the rising need for data security in miscellaneous sectors. India Government initiatives such as issuance of e-passports and emergence of e-banking and visa employing biometric systems for identification and authentication purposes, have been enormously boosting the use of biometric technology.

The growth of Biometrics in India is predicted to be massive on account of the proliferated uses of biometric devices in public as well as Indian private sectors. The need for enhanced security and to authenticate the access to confidential data has made the use of biometric devices mandatory for better performance of the organization. The report segments the market by end-user and geography. The report finds the major drivers for the face and voice biometrics market include growth in e-passport program, government support, biometrics in smartphones, use of biometric technology in banking and healthcare, extensive use in criminal identification, use of biometric technologies in election administration and growing need for large scale supervision at public meetings.

Latin America is one of the fastest growing regions in global biometrics market with countries such as Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina contributing majorly for the growth of the market. Market growth in Latin America would result from government expenditures and customer focused corporate investments. Brazil accounted a major share on the whole Latin America’s biometrics market. Government spending, increasing security spending, cybercrimes and deployment of face recognition scanners across borders and airports of countries, are the factors that are making the biometrics technology grow lucratively in Latin America.

Mexico is expected to grow with more number of projects such as national ID, voter ID, e-passports, e-driver’s license, and ID cards based on biometrics. Mexico is one of the key countries in global biometrics market, which is utilizing fingerprint, face and IRIS based biometric systems in its national ID project. Mexico and Argentina are developing their own biometric national ID systems to avoid identity fraud. Biometric identification system can help facilitate advancements in social, political, and economic development.
Demand for biometrics access control systems is expected to increase in the next two years. Brazil biometrics market is emerging as one of the fastest growing biometrics markets in Latin America. Sporting of international events such as FIFA World Cup 2014 and Olympics 2016, escalating private investments, rising security concerns and increasing government security spending, are the factors driving the growth of biometrics in Brazilian market. With the increase in the demand for these devices, more number of local manufacturers would want to step up their presence in the market.
The report offers the countries showing growth in Latin America and emerging companies along with a list of their Financials and presents a host of investment opportunities ready for the taking. This report on the outlook for lucrative investment areas reviews the potential future returns, technological advancements, regulations and market responses so as to provide a clear perspective on the potential implications for the growth prospects of Biometrics Market in Latin America during the forecast period (2014-2020).
DNA analysis market in the government sector in North America is growing at a CAGR of more than 10%. North America is an early adopter of DNA analysis technology due to high investments by government and law enforcement agencies in the US and Canada. However, the market is likely to experience saturation and a reduction in contribution from the government sector during the forecast period.

The DNA analysis market in the government sector in Europe is growing at a CAGR of close to 13%. The demand for DNA analysis solutions is augmented by increased security concerns at airports, railways, seaports, and borders caused by terrorist threats.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

IP surveillance with Power over Ethernet

An increasing number of businesses, school districts and healthcare facilities are delving into Smart Ethernet switches with Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) technology—and reaping big benefits for their IP Surveillance networks. Power over Ethernet technology describes a system to pass electrical power over Ethernet cabling, along with data. This means that a network device can be powered and operated using the same cable as for network connection, eliminating the need for power outlets close to an IP camera, for example. However, in order to save money on installation and increase the security level by using PoE, it's important to keep certain key points in mind when dealing with the technology. This article will guide you through equipment and standards within PoE that will help you succeed in the field.

Power over Ethernet, or PoE, is not a new technology and it's already widely utilised in networking, for example in IP phones, wireless AP's and IP cameras. The first successful design and implementation of a proprietary PoE system was accomplished by Cisco in the year 2000. Their technique of putting 48V DC power on the LAN data cable along with the data traffic helped them overcome their customer's objections to wall adapter powering – and in the end also helped them to sell a lot of VoIP phone systems.
The PoE scheme
In a PoE scheme, two different types of devices are involved: power sourcing equipment (PSE) and powered devices (PD). A PD is a PoE enabled network end device, such as an IP security camera, equipped to accept low voltage power transmitted over Ethernet cabling.
A PSE on the other hand, is a device that provides ("sources") power to the Ethernet cable. Power is supplied in common mode over two or more of the differential pairs of wires found in Ethernet cables and comes from a power supply such as an Ethernet switch. There are two types of PSEs which can add PoE to your network: endspans and midspans. Endspans are Ethernet switches that include the power over Ethernet transmission circuitry and are commonly called PoE switches. Midspans are power injectors that stand between a regular Ethernet switch and the powered device, injecting power without affecting the data.
IEEE standards In June 2003, the IEEE working group released the ratified IEEE 802.3af PoE standard. It provides up to 15.4W of DC power (minimum 44V DC and 350mA) to each powered device. The maximum current of IEEE 802.3af is 360mA. The output voltage range of IEEE 802.3af is from 44V DC to 57V DC.
In 2010, IEEE ratified a new PoE standard, 802.3at, which provides 30W of DC power to the PD. The maximum current of IEEE802.3at is 600mA. The output voltage range varies from 50V DC to 57V DC. The IEEE 802.3at standard is also known as PoE+ or PoE plus.
The four PoE phases Every PSE is responsible for managing four basic aspects (or phases) of PoE:
  1. PD detection
  2. PD classification
  3. Power-up
  4. Power-removal
PD detection and PD classification are carried out through complex signaling protocols which make sure that power is delivered to the PD according to the classification. It prevents powering when no PD is connected and assures prompt power removal when a PD is disconnected. The protocols also maintain a stable DC current flow at all voltage levels. A PoE enabled PSE provides a low power signaling mechanism that constantly monitors for a 802.3 powered device (PD) to appear at the end of the LAN cable. If a non-powered network device is connected, the PSE can function just as a non-PoE and perform an "ordinary" link to the networked device. However, if an 802.3 PD is connected, the PSE will quickly recognise this and begin the process of powering it up.

Cables The IEEE standard for PoE requires Category 5 cable (CAT-5) or higher for high power levels, but can operate with Category 3 cable for low power levels. But still, even high quality outdoor Category 5 cable (CAT-5) is much cheaper than USB repeaters or AC wire.
Fault protection To minimize the possibility of damage to equipment in the event of a malfunction, the more sophisticated PoE systems employ fault protection. This feature is good to have and shuts off the power supply if excessive current or a short circuit is detected.
UPS PoE can increase your security level through a so called central UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) in the monitor room or central control room where the PoE Ethernet switch is located.
In case of a power outage, critical networking devices will become inoperable unless they are protected by a UPS with battery backup. Having the networked equipment distributed throughout your building or campus requires the distribution of several UPS systems. With PoE, a single, centrally managed UPS can be used to supply backup power to your PSE equipment. All the distributed PD networking devices can then receive battery-backed power even in power outages.
Centrally managed power also enables remote shutdown or remote reset capabilities. Through managing a PoE-enabled LAN switch via a web browser or by SNMP, remote networking devices can be easily reset or shut down saving the time and expense of dispatching a technician.
PSE Conformance Test is important despite the various requirements described for PD detection signaling in the 802.3 specification, there is considerable room for design variation. In practice, detection pulses and detection measurement schemes do vary significantly across PSE interface technologies. The 802.3at specification leaves considerable room for implementation dependent behaviours. Additionally, many vendors of PSE will choose to go outside the 802.3 specification in ways that will affect the ability to power and maintain pure 802.3at PDs. This high degree of variation adds a number of PoE compatibility issues, such as problems with voltage levels.
PoE challenges design and test engineers a great deal. Evaluating the quality of a PSE comes down to having to work with "smart" multi-channel DC power sources that are activated and deactivated through signalling protocols operating over several power delivery and polarity configurations. The application and management of DC power over multiple local area network connections must be completely transparent, safe, non-destructive, and non-disruptive to the traditional data transmission behaviours of those network connections and associated network equipment.
for example, has over ten years of PoE Ethernet switches design experience, and in the quality assurance lab every PSE needs to pass the PSE Conformance Test Suite offered by Sifos Technologies. The test suite for 802.3at produces up to 115 test parameters depending upon PSE capabilities. These parameters are measured in 23 distinct tests that cover over 95 percent of the PSE PICS (conformance check list items) in the IEEE 802.3at specification. The test is widely used throughout the networking community as the industry "norm" for PSE specification compliance.
Due to the fast pace of this sector, with most equipment having a realistic lifespan of around five years, it is most important to buy a fully qualified system. If you buy equipment which is not fully conformant to IEEE 802.3at or IEEE 802.3af, you might end up having to deal with a real nightmare in the future.
A few of the advantages with PoE
  • Equipment can be placed in the most optimal location instead of choosing one where power is available.
  • Network installations can be accomplished cheaper, easier and faster.
  • Network changes, such as adding, removing or moving something, can be made much easier.
  • Using a PoE infrastructure enables centralised power management capabilities for critical network devices.
  • PoE can be used in security applications where USB or AC power is unsuitable, inconvenient or too expensive to use.

Friday, March 4, 2016

How Switchers, Quads & Multiplexers Work

How Switchers, Quads & Multiplexers Work

A Switcher will sequence between multiple cameras to allow viewing and or recording of each camera full screen one at time. Dwell time is adjustable. Playback of video tape will be of cameras sequencing.

A Digital Quad will allow viewing and or recording of up to 4 cameras on one screen at one time. Playback of recorded tape will be in 4 quadrant format.

A Multiplexer will rapidly sequence full screen through each camera for recording purposes and allow single camera or multiple-camera screen formats while viewing (duplex) or playback (simplex and duplex). Video tape of any one camera can be played back in sequence.

Choose the right type for your application:


Allows automatic sequencing of selected cameras to a video monitor or VCR. Variable dwell time settings are available. Call any camera instantly for continuous observation. A Homing Sequential Switcher has one single output and can be set to display and/or record a single camera or all cameras in sequence. A Bridging Sequential Switcher has two outputs and can display a single camera on one monitor and sequencing cameras on a second monitor simultaneously. An Alarming Switcher will allow for the input of a dry contact closure for a motion detector, etc. When an alarm is detected on a specific channel it will stop sequencing and lock on that camera for single camera recording. Playback from a VCR will be in single camera or sequencing mode as it was recorded.

Homing Switcher
Bridging Switcher
Alarming Switcher
View up to four cameras simultaneously, sequence through all or selected cameras, or select one camera for full-screen display while recording to VCR in quad format. Not all quads allow for viewing of "live" video.


Allows you to display "live" single camera full screen pictures while full screen recording all cameras. You may also play back any single camera in sequence or all connected cameras for detailed event analysis. Playback images can be displayed in a variety of multiple-picture screen formats. All recorded images must be played back through the multiplexer.

A simplex multiplexer is very useful where there are multiple locations with multiplexers, or where there is no on-site monitoring. An example might be a chain of stores where the tapes are brought back to a central office for review or an unmanned recording station with no on-site monitoring.


Allows you to display "live" single camera full screen pictures or a variety of multiple-picture screen formats while full screen recording all cameras. Allows you to record "live" cameras on one VCR while simultaneously processing and replaying video from a second VCR. Playback images can be displayed in a variety of multiple-picture screen formats or single camera formats while simultaneously recording. Multiple-picture screen formats will not be "live". All recorded images must be played back through the multiplexer.

A duplex multiplexer is useful for applications where monitoring is a key part of the system function and where video tapes need to be viewed regularly.

Simplex Multiplexer

Duplex Multiplexer
multi port 9 or 16 channel multiplexer DVR

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Convert HDMI to RCA

Convert HDMI to RCA

Nowadays, most consumer electronic devices support the HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) output for video and image downloads. Before HDMI became popular in the electronic industry, RCA connectors (yellow, white, and red cables) were primarily used to connect DVD players, video game consoles, and set top boxes to televisions or monitors. A common issue for consumers is converting their HDMI devices to RCA cable inputs in order for them to play on older television sets or monitors.
How to Convert HDMI to RCA
Step 1 – Search for an HDMI to RCA converter at a local electronics store or online. The output that the HDMI format will be converted to will determine the type of converter needed. The more complex converters will have outputs for S Video, Composite, as well as the classic RCA video and audio output cables from the device.
Step 2 – Connect the video converter to a power source (such as a wall socket or power strip).

Step 3 – Connect the HDMI cable from the device that only produces HDMI output to the HDMI input plug on the converter.
Step 4 – Connect the Red and White audio cables to the RCA audio outputs on the converter then connect to the television.
Step 5 – Connect the Yellow video cable from the video converter output to the tv’s video input.
Step 6 – Change the television channel to the one that the converter requires (normally channel 3 or 4 for televisions that do not support the “input” function) or press the “Input” button on the remote control (if supported) to view the video from the device on the television.